
Weekly Coffee Hour After Worship

Coffee, tea, juice, cookies, cakes and great conversation with friends and guest.

Bible Study for Adults

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my Feet” Psalm 119:105
Bible study groups meet throughout the week to further knowledge of the word of God and to provide inspiration for Christian living and companionship.

Youth Group

Wednesday afternoon – 4 pm After school group
6pm – Dinner, fun and Bible study

Sunday School for Children

9:15 Sunday mornings

Walk to Emmaus

“Encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” – 2 Corinthians 13:11

Lakeside leaders participate in “The Walk to Emmaus” which provides a deeper walk in Christian Discipleship. The Emmaus community meets weekly for encouragement and prayer. Once a month many Emmaus members from different churches come together to share a meal and sing praises to God.

Prayer Groups

Prayer groups meet regularly as part of the Emmaus community and as part of a telephone network of concern.